Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tech Women: Apply now !

Vous parlez Anglais, vous travaillez dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies,
vous êtes une femme et vous cherchez une opportunité pour renforcer vos capacités : un stage de 5 semaines dans les plus grandes entreprises en TIC à Silicon Valley , San Francisco et Washington.

Veuillez remplir le formulaire en ligne: sous: How to Apply et puis après: Apply .
Des questions?
Alors contactez Chéma Gargouri au

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

January Plan of Action

January 2012 will be full of very interesting E-Mediat events !
Here is the plan:

Happy new year everybody..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

E-Mediat Tunisia Country Director on National TV

Chema Gargouri, E-Mediat Tunisia Country Director and President of TAMSS , The E-Mediat Tunisian leading NGO was on National TV on the 21st of December 2011.
It was a live talk show named - Talk of the Hour - She was invited to speak about the role of NGOs in fighting poverty in Tunisia.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Workshop 5 Group pictures

Today was the last day of the E-Mediat Tunisia's 5th workshop in Kairouan and in all sites.
We are very happy to share these group pictures with you:

in Kairouan:

In Tunis:

in Sfax:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ايمان بن حامد تتحصل على المركز الأول على المستوى العربي في المسابقة التي نظمها معهد القيادات النسائية العربية

مبروك لايمان بن حامد المشاركة في برنامج ايمديات عن الكشافة التونسية فرع صفاقص
فقد تحصلت على المركز الأول على المستوى العربي في المسابقة التي نظمها معهد القيادات النسائية العربية ِ تحت عنوان شابات رائدات لسنة 2011

ايمان بن حامد هي المكلفة بالنشر و الاتصال بجهة صفاقص للكشافة التونسية
و هي متحصلة على ماجستير في القانون الخاص

فتهانينا مجددا لايمان لحصولها على الجائزة خلال حفل تكريم أقيم يوم السبت 10 ديسمبر 2011 بعمان الأردن

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prize of the best political video on the Internet

E-Mediat Participating NGO “Association of Journalist of Kairouan” won the 2nd prize of the best political video by Web Manager Center, which is one of the most famous Tunisian online Magazine !

On November 29, 2011 Mr Adel Nagati, President of the Association of Journalists of Kairouan was awarded the second prize of the best political video on the internet.
This online competition was organized by Web Manager Center and

He shared a video about “El Aridha”, the independent list that won 26seats in the Constituent Assembly but which was unknown by most of the Tunisian Citizens prior to the elections. Mr. Nagati’s video in which he interviewed some of “El Aridha” members and filmed them doing their electoral campaign was shot on April 2011. At that time the video did not draw attention. However after the results of the elections some sequences of the video were broadcasted on Al Jazeera, Al Arabya and France 24 TV channels..

During the ceremony Mr. Nagati announced publically that it was thanks to the E-Mediat program in Tunisia that he acquired the necessary knowledge to produce such a video. Once again this proves that the Facebook page of this NGO is growing to be not just an alternative media but also a source of information even for the international News Channels.

To know more about this NGO, please follow these links:

Monday, November 21, 2011

35 Liens/Outils pour une ONG !

35 liens et outils pour vous aider dans la gestion de l’image de marque de votre ONG en ligne.

WeBuzz est une série d'applications self-service accessible,effectives pour les pages Facebook. Avec la personnalisation les utilisateurs peuvent la faire par eux-mémes avec juste quelques cliques.WeBuzz permets aux marques et agences de créer des compagnies de marketing Facebook, avec aucune connaissance de programmation.

Applis Facebook prêtes à l'emploi,SocialShaker permet aux community managers d'animer et de développer leurs communautés via une gamme d'applications dédiées.
Facebook Free Tabs !

Visibli is a Social Marketing and Analytics platform that helps you optimize your social media engagement.

The leading social media dashboard to manage and measure your social networks
  • Manage multiple social profiles
  • Schedule messages and tweets
  • Track brand mentions
  • Analyze social media traffic
  • 2 million+ satisfied user
Integrate your site with your Facebook fan page by placing a welcome tab and set it as the landing page.
A website builder with support for Html, wysiwyg, iframe, javascript, flash and other languages.

Youtube App on Facebook

Simply Measured offers a variety of free Excel reports to help you make sense of your Facebook and Twitter analytics.

Landing Page platform

Over 600,000 brands, online publishers, and individuals use RSS Graffiti to publish things like blog posts, news stories, images and videos to Facebook. With RSS Graffiti, you can share content from websites, blogs and popular social platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and any other website or application with an RSS/Atom feed. You can also schedule regular Facebook updates to maintain a steady flow of information to your friends and fans via their regular Facebook news feeds. It’s easy and it’s free.

Tabs Platform

TabPress is an easy-to-use code Facebook application, created by HyperArts, that allows Page Administrators to create iFrame Page Tabs by simply adding their HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other code into an editor, much like how it's done with the Static FBML application.

Embed a survey on your Facebook Page

Manage your pages, your apps and your fans in one single place!

Facebook Apps Platform

Remember your and your friends’ Facebook profile history

Social Media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. The latest web news..

Outils web, astuces, tutoriaux, principes et techniques de communication pour les associations…

Créé en 2010 par Djivan Minassian et Ibrahim-Yves Amblard, My Community Manager est un site corporatif consacré aux métiers du community management et du web marketing. D’autres passionnés du web ont ensuite rejoint nos deux acolytes afin de vous proposer le meilleur de l’actualité des réseaux sociaux et un site web digne de ce nom, pratique, convivial et toujours à la pointe… du web !
Fort du succès de sa page Facebook et de son compte Twitter, My Community Manager a choisi de mettre son savoir et son expérience au service des marques et enseignes afin de permettre à tous les acteurs Internet de bénéficier eux aussi des leviers de création de valeur révélés par les concepts du web 2.0.
L’expertise développée dans le domaine du web social et l’évolution constante de notre technologie nous permettent de vous faire bénéficier aujourd’hui du meilleur des réseaux sociaux combinant communautés, blogs et publications de tout type de contenu (photos, vidéos, évènements, sondages…).

Cette page vous apportera tous les meilleurs outils et services du Web

Update your Facebook Status from Twitter BUT Only for the tweets you choose!

TweetDeck is your personal browser for staying in touch with what's happening now, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook, MySpace.

Share your videos on Twitter!

le graph-o-meter est un outil simple de gestion des fanpages facebook. Outil pour les community managers. Gérer vos pages facebook.

Get that link shortened. Share that link. (Tunisian Link Shortener)

Offers URL redirection service with real-time link tracking.

twtrland is a social analytics tool that builds profiles according to twitter timelines, helping twitter users connect and others understand its world.

Create stories using social media. Turn what people post on social media into compelling stories.

Create A Free Website with Use our free website builder and make stunning Flash websites with an easy drag and drop online platform. Its free.

Windows Live Essentials 2011
Les fonctionnalités avancées sont à votre portée
Allez plus loin avec Windows sur votre PC grâce aux programmes gratuits conçus par Microsoft concernant les photos, les films, la messagerie instantanée et électronique, les réseaux sociaux, etc. 
Profitez de toutes ces fonctionnalités en téléchargeant un seul fichier.

Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Blog, A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits

Every day, NTEN helps nonprofit organizations learn about and use technology to change the world !

Beth Kanter is the author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media, one of the longest running and most popular blogs for nonprofits. She co-authored the book titled “The Networked Nonprofit” with Allison Fine published by J Wiley in 2010 that received Honorable Mention for the Terry McAdams Award. Beth has over 30 years working in the nonprofit sector in technology, training, capacity building, evaluation, fundraising, and marketing.

Helping business and personal brands with digital social media marketing including social media with Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube..

Monday, October 31, 2011

La communication sur Twitter pour les ONG tunisiennes

Qui n’a pas encore entendu parler de Twitter aujourd’hui? Rares sont les personnes qui sont dans cette situation, car même si celles-ci ne se connectent pas beaucoup à internet, elles ont dû faire un gros effort pour ne pas voir ce nom dans les différents médias traditionnels tellement les télés, les radios et la presse en a parlé, surtout en cette année 2011.

En tout cas, si des particuliers peuvent ne pas avoir conscience de Twitter, une association ou une ONG tunisienne aujourd’hui ne peut pas et ne doit pas passer à côté de cet outil comme élément important de sa stratégie de communication.

Très bien, mais au juste, c’est quoi Twitter?

Twitter, outil de mico-blogging à son lancement, est devenu un réseau social et surtout un moyen de communication, un diffuseur d’informations, un relayeur de news et une vitrine en ligne de son ONG ou association.
Et même si Twitter a ses propres règles et son propre code d’utilisation comme la limite de 140 caractères pour ses messages, les hashtags, symbolisés par # qui représentent  les mots ou sujets clé, cet outil obéit aux règles classiques de communication.
Pour faire passer son message sur Twitter, il faut être direct, synthétiser ses idées et ne pas hésiter à renvoyer à son site web ou blog via des liens pour les idées plus développées.

3 règles à respecter pour réussir sur Twitter : échange, accessibilité et présence régulière. En appliquant ces 3 règles, les ONG tunisiennes mettront en place un dialogue avec leurs cibles qui encouragera l’échange d’idées, les contributions et les passages à l’acte en recrutant des membres actifs sur le terrain et des ambasadeurs en ligne qui feront connaitre les causes de ces associations à un plus grand nombre de personnes.

Et pour collecter des fonds, et bien ça marche !

La collecte de fonds est un objectif important et souvent primordial pour plusieurs ONG tunisiennes. Grâce à Twitter cet objectif est possible et s’est déjà réalisé en Tunisie.
L’association Rayhanna a réussi à récolter 8107$ pour ses projets de développement de projets artisanaux et artistique dans le village du même nom. Pour ce faire, une soirée avec plusieurs jeunes artistes tunisiens a été organisée et a permis de vendre 820 billets afin de réunir cette somme d’argent. La promotion de cet évènement s’est faite essentiellement sur Twitter, Facebook ensuite et le message a été relayé ensuite sur des radios privées et des journaux en ligne.

Twitter, allons-y !

Twitter doit être aujourd’hui un maillon dans les stratégies de communication des ONG tunisiennes parce qu’il permet de faire passage un message à un public qu’on ne peut pas toucher ou atteindre autrement, un public dont l’influence ou l’apport peut être plus que considérable. C’est une autre vitrine en plus en ligne pour sa cause, une vitrine sur un outil qui est à la mode depuis 2009 et qui a montré son efficacité pour énormément de marques commerciales et d’associations à travers le monde. Alors pourquoi pas vous?

Yssem Saadi.
Digital Media Specialist & Blogger.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Story Telling with Digital Video

During the 4th Module of E-Mediat Tunisia, we will be devoting the workshops to:

  • Story telling with digital videos.
  • Video Blogging.
  • Creating, Sharing, and Distributing video online !

We will be posting the dates soon..

Friday, September 16, 2011

Announcing Twitter Guest Speaker

Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer la participation de notre invité Yssem Saadi au 3éme module de formation du programme E-Mediat !

Monsieur Saadi  va partager son expérience et son savoir faire en tant que l’ un des Tweeple et bloggeurs les plus connus  en Tunisie. 
Veuillez visiter son blog sur ce lien :

Monsieur Saadi abordera les thèmes suivants :

1.      Code de conduite sur Twitter
2.      Lexique Twitter
3.      Twitter dans une stratégie de communication en ligne.
4.      Cas pratique

Vous pouvez également le suivre sur Twitter sur ce lien :

A bientôt

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dates du 3éme Module de la formation E-Mediat Tunisie

Suite à des problèmes de logistique, nous vous informons des nouvelles dates du 3éme module du programme E-Mediat Tunisie:

Tunis: le 19, 20, 21 Septembre à La Cité Des Sciences au lieu du 24, 25, 26 Septembre

Kairouan: Les dates sont fixées pour le 24, 25, 26 Septembre au Centre de Formation Privé "Forum"

Aucun changement pour la ville de Sfax, La formation sera présenté comme prévu le 28, 29, 30 Septembre à la Faculté de Médecine de Sfax (Salle A)

Merci pour votre compréhension !

Monday, September 5, 2011

Programme du 3éme Module

Chères associations participantes à la formation E-Mediat Tunisie,
On vous invite à découvrir le programme du 3éme Module qui sera organisé durant le mois de Septembre. 

Les dates du 3éme module vous seront communiquées très prochainement par e-mail ! 

N.B: Cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir..
Nous comptons sur votre présence,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Listening Tools Webinar !

Coming soon, The E-Mediat Tunisia team will be organizing a webinar about the listening tools on the web and social media: (Google Alerts, Social Mention, Twitter Search, Igoogle, etc).

Mark your calendars as this webinar will be held on the 15th of September, and please confirm your participation by posting your comments on the E-Mediat Tunisia Facebook page.

This is an open invitation to all the participating NGO's in E-Mediat: Tools, Technology & Training and to all the trainers and participating NGO's in E-MediaT (Lebanon)E-mediat Jordan, and E-Mediat Morocco !

Monday, August 29, 2011

Marathon Associatif !

L’équipe E-Mediat Tunisie vient de finir un marathon de suivi des associations tunisiennes participantes à la formation qui portait sur leurs stratégies de communication.

Le suivi a eu lieu à Sfax, Kairouan et Tunis durant les 23, 24, et le 26 Août dernier. 

Durant ces 3 jours, on a travaillé avec 21 associations : on a revu  leur stratégie de communication ainsi que leur technique de présence en ligne, cas par cas !

D’autres séances de suivi sont programmées  durant le 3éme module qui aura lieu à la fin du mois de Septembre, et on va certainement vous « rencontrer » en ligne pour organiser des webinars !

Inchallah Aidkom Mabrouk !!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weldon Kennedy: How to reach your goals using Social Media

Here is the transcript of the presentation held on June 27th at El Kasbah Hotel in Kairouan, given by Weldon Kennedy director of organizing at
It was organized by E-Mediat Tunisian and the US Embassy and it was entitled:
How to reach your goals using Social Media?”

Weldon Kennedy: How to reach your goals using Social Media


Weldon Kennedy's Background
·Worked in Asia, Africa, and America on politics and sustainable development
·Currently he works at – Works on any issues people are interested in (political, social, etc.)
·Today he will be talking about how to use social media to create sustainable campaigns and how to set goals, create a strategy, and use social media to achieve these objectives

Question to the audience: What are your objectives?
·Fundraising to take care of handicapped children and parents, create centers to educate these children, and network with other organizations doing the same thing
·ATLMSD - Education and human development with young people
·ISPP – Working to (1) give support to political prisoners and then reintegrate them into society and (2) to promote human rights
·Tunisian Association to Support AIDS - works on awareness and against the sigma of people who are living with AIDS
·Summary –  Based on the interests of the audience, Weldon will talk about engagement and activism rather than service delivery and focus on awareness campaigns

Where to Start

First step: Let people understand the issue you are addressing
·In social media, you have to assume you are always talking to a new audience, and if you are doing a good job, you should always be reaching a new audience through sharing and engagement
·       Each piece of information needs to retell the story to bring people in by using personal stories and testimonies
·       Let people understand why you are doing what you are doing and why -  share your personal motivation
·Put your issue in context: for example, a photo of a forest that is about to be destroyed by bulldozers draws the viewer into the story and demonstrates what you are trying to do
·       Choose an image that shows people the difference between the good and the bad
·       Demonstrate the personal impact of your issue with one story

Second step: Step back and show the bigger image
·How does this impact the community where it is happening?
·Where does this happen globally? How can you address this same issue in your own communities?
·Show people how they can communicate effectively about this issue

Step Three: Plan in pieces
·Break the big objectives into small achievable pieces that can be intermediate steps to accomplishing your final objectives
·These pieces need to be specific and detailed
·This is one difference between traditional and social media – Instead of telling a long story with minimal reader involvement over a long period of time, participation with social media changes constantly (e.g., How many times a day do you check Facebook?)
·Because of this you need to constantly change your communication – If you say the same thing twice, no one will listen to you

Crafting Your Plan (Goals – Strategies – Tactics)

Goals (SMART approach)
·Specific – Goals should be detailed and well-defined
·Measurable – Need to be able to show when you have achieved them
·Attainable – They should be within grasp of the means that you have or can mobilize
·       This result is potential even if you can't personally do it yourself
·       For example, I cannot personally sign a petition ten thousand times, but it is possible that I can get ten thousand people to sign a petition
·Realistic – Really means something for the world
·       Will your action really achieve your objective?
·       For example, ten thousand signatures will not change a decision at the UN, but it might change a decision of the local government
·       Will they be able to meet this objective within your timeframe?
·       For example, it is is realistic to get these signatures in a month, but not in a day
·Timely – Set time limits for your goals
·       If you don't have a deadline, make one
·       This is important because people work best on a deadline, and they might never do it otherwise
·       For example, when do you start writing an essay for school? Would you have done it without a deadline?
·Strategies are the methods you use to achieve you goals – They are not what you are doing, but how you think about what you are doing
·       Strategies can be anything – Could also be to engage a certain number of people or get a certain number of signatures
·       You need to believe that you can succeed to engage people, vote, and spread the message
·       This is also based on the assumption that people do not know about your issue and that telling them will help you achieve your goal
·       Examples of Fundraising Strategies
·       Large donor fundraising by going after large donors on and offline
·       Peer pressure for social engagement through social media networks
·       Mission-specific fundraising such as having each funder sponsor one child
·       Peer-to-peer fundraising where members speak to their friends and families
·Strategies are also how you communicate how you are going to achieve your goal
·       You could decide to run a traditional media campaign through newspapers, magazines and TV
·       There are unlimited way of mobilizing social media and most of them have never been thought up or tried
·How do you use social media strategies?
·       Twitter storm – Everyone on twitter posts the same tweet at the same time so that everyone will see it and it will get buzz
·       YouTube – Have people make videos about why this is important to them, have a lot of people do this so that you are not just reaching a few people

·Tactics are tools for achieving tasks
·       Tactics are what you do
·       For example, if your goal is to encourage science in Muslim communities, you could create sharable content that is engaging and people want to watch and share such as a funny video about how much fun people have in a science lab
·Example: Japanese Tsunami
·       Vision – To help the Japanese people rebuild
·       Communicate individual story, set it in a larger context and then explain the goals
·       Story – A Japanese-American man had family in the area destroyed by the tsunami and had did not know for the first 24 hours if his family had survived. While he was waiting for news, he made a donation by text message as many people did around the world. He eventually learned that his family had survived, but they had lost their homes. He also found out that his mobile donation won't reach Japan for three months because the cell phone company was waiting for people to pay their phone bills and then bundle them and send them all together. He was upset by this because he knew that Japan needed the money immediately.
·       Goal – To get mobile phone companies to deliver donations more quickly as they did before so that the work will get there faster
·       Strategies – Three simultaneous approaches
·       Public mobilization
·       Media pressure
·       Government relations
·       How is succeeded
·       They gathered 66,000 mobile signatures facilitated by a “Share on Facebook” page that appeared after each personal have signed
·       The took these signatures to the man's senator (national elected representative) and asked him to take this to the Senate
·       They sent notices to news stations and got the man on every TV station in San Francisco – This is not always possible, but because people were already talking about Japan, this was an opportunity to insert his story into the coverage and get widespread publicity

Delivering all Goals = Repeating all Tactics
·Create a Content Management System (CMS) – This will be your database to track the methods of engagement with people and be the central resource for information sharing and gathering
·       It is important to know when people share or donate and why so that you can tailor your tactics accordingly
·       For example, if someone comes to one of your events for the first time and donates,  you want to make sure you continue to engage them on and offline
·       By keeping track of who reads and clicks and how often, you can develop tools to manage your content
·Sample tools
·       MailChimp or BestCairo – These are ways of contacting people by email or SMS that  allow you to follow them (these tools are specific to Egypt, but there are other Tunisian examples)
·       WordPress and tumblr – Free programs that allow you to make and maintain a CMS
·       Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, (and – These are the most popular communication techniques and they can be used to give people specific ways to become involved
·       Facebook is the most important tool because of the number of users and the frequency with which those users are online
·       If you are not doing Facebook well, stop doing everything else and do Facebook well
·       It is important to know your audience and what they will like and repost
·       The difference between a profile and a page
·       A page should act like an individual on Facebook but with its own identity
·       A page should reflect the interests, values and principles of the organization, which may differ from the individual identities of the members
·       Who does Facebook well? Lil Wayne
·       He has 28 million followers
·       He is known only to a relatively small audience, but almost everyone who listens to him follows him on Facebook
·       What can go wrong?
·       Example: A magazine in Argentina published a threat against a woman. Despite pressure from activists, the magazine refused to fire the author and apologize publicly. The activists decided to go on Facebook and target Fiat and Lacoste who were the two biggest funders of the magazine. They had one hundred people writing on their wall every day and now all of a sudden their were overwhelmed with comments linking them to violence against women. This has the desired effect of forcing them to pull their support for the magazine and convince the magazine to take the actions the activists were pushing for.
·       While this was good for the activists, this was bad for the companies
·       What can you do if your Facebook page is overwhelmed by negative comments?
·       “Don't try to blow the sand out of the wind” – It is best to wait it out rather than trying to fight back and engage in an argument online
·       Your best defense is if you have a large fan base that likes you and will step in a defend you against unreasonable accusations
·       Need to be strategic and effective in responses

Routine Execution
·Action – should be something very specific (for example, share this video with someone who was in your science class in school)
·Timely – just are your goals should be timely, everything you do to achieve those goals should also be timely
·Tangible jeopardy
·       Make people understand that if they do what you're asking them to do it will go down the road you are pushing for, but if they don't do this something negative will happen
·       They should understand that this is a choice and they can choose to make a difference or not
·Agency of users – make them believe they can make a difference
·       For example, Saudi women who are pushing for the right to drive decided not to target the King because they believed he would not change anything. Instead they decided to target Secretary Clinton and other female world leaders in the belief that international pressure would be more effective.  They succeeded in getting Clinton and Oprah to make statements.
·Demonstrate change – let people see when you have been successful
·       Let people draw their own connections
·       For example, instead of saying that we convinced Clinton to make a statement, explain that we ran a huge campaign and she decided to make a statement
·       Communicate steps toward a goal, progress, how far you've come
·Keep narrative- never lose sight of the story and of your larger goals

Contact Information: 

Twitter: @weldonwk